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Frequently Called Phone Numbers

Phone: 602-391-4885 (Jody Bell, Director/Instructor)

Phone (Recreation Office): 480-358-3700

Preparing Your Child for the Next Level

Contact Us

Thank you for your interest in ABC/123 Preschool Academy! If you have any questions or comments, please use the information listed here. We look forward to hearing from you soon! We are located in the Queen Creek Library at the northwest corner of Ellsworth and Ocotillo Roads.

Service Areas

We serve the following areas in Arizona:

Chandler | Gilbert | Mesa | Queen Creek | San Tan Valley

Business Hours

Monday to Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM


Contact Information 

ABC/123 Preschool Academy

Library Recreation Annex

21802 S Ellsworth Road

Queen Creek, Arizona 85142

Frequently Called Phone Numbers

Phone ( Jody Bell): 602-391-4885


ABC/123 Preschool Classes:

Town of Queen Creek Registration:  or 480-358-3700

Facebook: Search under Jody Bell Queen Creek (Look for the red apple); ask to be a friend, and she will accept you. This is a closed group.

Inquiry Form

First Name*

Last Name*


Phone Number*


ABC/123 Preschool Classes are offered as recreational classes. ABC/123 Preschool Classes, LLC is privately owned and operated. This is not a peanut/ nut free environment.

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